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As a teacher, I expect your BEST, TO TRY and RESPECT. Communication I can be reached by email @ HYPERLINK "mailto:WaltoCr@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us" WaltoCr@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us Also by Front Office @706-796-4760 Course Description Introduces art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment, and studio production. Emphasizes the ability to understand and use elements and principles of design through a variety of media, processes, and visual resources. Explores master artworks for historical and cultural significance. Major Course Goal The overall goal of the Fine Arts Class is to expand students knowledge of the elements and principals of art. Students should increase cultural awareness and further their knowledge of the different genres of art. Major Course Projects & Instructional Activities Kindergarten-1st Grade. Understand what an artist does. Understand how different works of art communicate information about a culture. Gather clues to help interpret and reflect on works of art. Identify and be respectful of artwork that belongs to others and represents their ideas. Identify the structural elements of art and the organizational principles of design in their personal artwork and environment. Creates original 2D composition through experimentation with new materials, techniques, processes, and emphasis on one or more elements and principles of art and design. Creates 2D art using a variety of drawing and painting media, techniques, and processes. Creates 2D art using a variety of techniques (e.g. printing, collage, stitchery, weaving). Experiment with art processes and media to express ideas. e.g., brush: type, pressure; monoprint; stitch; weave; oil pastel; collage, painting, chalk pastels, crayons. Creates an original 3D artwork from themes, imagination, recall and/or observation. Creates 3D art through experimentation with new materials, techniques, processes and emphasis on one or more elements and principles of art and design. Creates 3D art using traditional and/or contemporary craft materials and methods (e.g. paper sculpture, found object assemblage, jewelry). Experiment with art processes and media to express ideas. e.g., sculpture: additive, subtractive. 2nd -3rd Grade Plan methods using sketchbooks and/or digital journals Recognize elements and principles of design in works of art Discuss art made by master artists Study styles & movements in art Describe similarities/differences in works of art Differentiate between geometric and organic shapes Value used in art to make images look 3-dimensional Human experience inspired art Use of a variety of art materials (e.g. colored pencils, crayons, markers, oil pastels, paint) Color theory (e.g. schemes, warm & cool, tertiary, value) Experiment with printmaking Understand the importance of line use in creating art Spatial concepts (e.g. overlapping, foreground, horizon line) Identify & create examples of pattern and movement Observe art made by other cultures Compare & contrast similar works of art by different artists Differentiate between implied and actual texture Make connections with art and other areas of learning Students learn to generate their own ideas about art Community and its effects on art Learn about the term craft Revise art using the Design Process Careers in art Apply proper safety procedures Observe art made by other cultures Compare & contrast similar works of art by different artists Differentiate between implied and actual texture Make connections with art and other areas of learning Students learn to generate their own ideas about art Community and its effects on art Learn about the term craft Revise art using the Design Process Careers in art Apply proper safety procedures 4th-5th Grade Introduction to Art Class Use a sketchbook to record ideas and plans Who is an artist? How do artists use the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to communicate ideas? (review project cube, posters, etc.) Create clay forms using multiple hand-building techniques (functional work) Create a sculpture using various 3D approaches and materials Create artwork using craft techniques) Explore the idea of community through new art forms (murals, public art, empathy collaborative project; installation) What is Culture? How are artists inspired by their culture? What are art careers? How can I apply my art skills in a job? Students Will also be participating in Richmond County Art Shows through out the year.  Course Assessment Plan Fine Art students will be a given a pre-test before each unit and post-test after completion of the unit. Classroom Expectations All Fine Art students are to follow the rules set forth in the RCBOE student handbook. The students are also expected to follow all rules from their designated school and by the Fine Arts teacher. The students are to complete all Fine Arts assignments within the class period. Supplies and Materials Needed: Personal: Pencils, Color Pencils, Crayons, scissors, scotch tape, and glue sticks. OPTIONAL/WISH LIST Paper towels Kleenex Lysol Wipes Ziploc bags (Science is messy!) Quart or Gallon sized. ** Throughout the year, I may send home wish items or supplies that may be needed based on the unit of study. Grade Communication Parents, please sign into the Infinite Campus Portal to view grades And assignments and turn on the alerts options so you can receive grades as they are posted. Also, please make sure that student and parent information are updated in Infinite Campus. This includes, address, Working Phones numbers, emergency contact and pick up information. ӣwork Policy & Grading Scale ӣwork is not a requirement for the Fine Arts Program. The Fine Arts grade is largely a participation grade. Each student starts the grading period with a 100. If a student participates consistently and does their best, they will keep that 100. Older students will have a few individually graded assignments in addition to their participation grade. Grading Graded assignments will be posted weekly. Students will be graded using standards-based grading. Grading will represent student progress towards meeting the academic standards using the rating scale below: Level 4 = (Distinguished Learner) Makes applications and inferences beyond expectations. Level 3 = (Proficient Learner) Meets standards consistently and independently. Level 2 = (Developing Learner) Progressing toward mastery of standards. Level 1 = (Beginning Learner) Limited progress toward mastery of standards. ND = (Not Demonstrated) Not yet been demonstrated. NA = (Not Applicable) Not applicable at this time. These categories are used across all content areas - Math, English Language Arts, and Social Studies/Science. Classwork and assessments will be used to evaluate progression towards mastery of standards. Each semester represents an 18-week grading period. Progress Report 1 will be issued at the end of the first 6-weeks. Progress report 2 will be issued at the end of 12-weeks. Semester Report Card will be issued at the end of 18-week grading period. The students final grade will reflect their cumulative achievement from the first day to the last day of the semester. 4-5: Grading Policy Per RCBOE Student performance will be recorded on a 100-point scale. Calculation of Final Grades: Minor Grades = 60% Examples include quizzes, labs, and other graded assignments to assess certain standard in a unit of study. Major Grades = 40% Examples include unit tests, essays, research papers, project-based assignments, and other culminating assessments to measure mastery of standard that comprise a unit of study. Academic Grading Scale: A: 100 - 90 B: 89 - 80 C: 79 - 75 D: 74 - 70 F: 69 - below Each semester represents an 18-week grading period. Progress Report 1 will be issued at the end of the first 6-weeks. Progress report 2 will be issued at the end of 12-weeks. Semester Report Card will be issued at the end of 18-week grading period. The students final grade will reflect their cumulative achievement from the first day to the last day of the semester. Class Participation: Fine Art Students are expected to participate in class each day. Participating means being in class, listening to instructions and explanations for class work, completing classroom tasks, asking questions when necessary, answering questions when asked, cooperating, and following classroom policies. Essentially, class participation is doing your best to learn and help others learn while allowing the teacher to teach Class Absences: Please adhere to attendance policy in Student/Parent Handbook. All excused absences should be turned in to students homeroom teacher. Classroom Expectations: Along with the posted Class Rules, You are expected to: Be in class on time and in your assigned seat. Come to class prepared (book, notebook, pencil, etc.) Eating, sleeping, grooming, etc. should be taken care outside of the classroom. Hall passes will be issued on a limited basis according to school rules. Show respect to the teacher and any adult. Do not talk back, argue, or raise your voice. If you would like to arrange a time with me to discuss a problem, we will do so outside of the class period. Be courteous to all students and visitors. If you are talking or playing around, you and your classmates will have difficulty learning. All assignments, quizzes, or tests are due on time and should be placed in the appropriate class folder. Be an active participant in all class activities. Behavior Management Plan 1st Step- Teacher redirect behavior and Converse with student about behavior 2nd Step -Parent Contact 3rd Step-Lunch Detention (No talking during lunch) 4th Step-Behavior Conference 5th Step-Submit Referral to Administration Lets work together so that we can have a successful year while increasing our knowledge in education! Student Signature____________________________________________________ Parent_______________________________________________________      )<=BENP]^_`jkryyiiyWWy#h3h r0J5CJOJQJaJh rh r5CJOJQJaJ"jh r5CJOJQJUaJhN5CJOJQJaJh r5CJOJQJaJhBCJOJQJaJhh)CCJOJQJaJhhrCCJOJQJaJh]gCJOJQJaJh rCJOJQJaJ0jhNv2hNv2CJOJQJUaJmHnHu=^ # F G Z { | f$a$gdgd~$a$gdrCgdnK<dgdnK<$a$gdNv2gd r $da$gdN$a$gdB$a$gdNv2    ! 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